Hello there…

I’m the human being behind Mini Bundtlets - E. Larocque. Despite how serious I may look, I am indeed a goofball.

I recently got allergy tested and it has changed everything about my diet. I was upset at first; my favorite foods happen to be my actual allergens. Despite even my own temporary outlook about it- I’ve learned to work around it.

Baking brings me joy, even more so to get to share that joy with others. I think everyone should get to eat delicious cake. No one should have to settle for something that just passes as cake (I have had entirely too many of those).

I have been giving away mini cakes for a year and a half now. I started off with box mixes, began modifying them and then moved on to making cakes from scratch. There was a bit of a learning curve to remove what seemed like the very things that make a cake…well cake.

I stand before you with proof otherwise!

I’m a tried and true introvert. However I am more than willing to show up if it means that someone doesn’t feel like and an other or forgotten about during the festivities of life. Please bear with me while I sort of figure this out.

For those of you that are curious to know me the person... I’m a US Army Veteran, a ‘Military Brat’ <USMC>, a Medical Lab Technician and a baker.

No matter the situation I will always make a lil jokey joke.

E. Larocque